
Template for initial DOE

#%% 1. Import NEXTorch and other packages
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from nextorch import plotting, bo, doe, io, utils

# set a random seed
r_seed = 25

#%% 2. Define the design space
# the number of dimensions (n_dim) is equal to the number of input parameters
# Set the input names and units
X_name_list = ['T', 'Heating rate', 'Time']
X_units = ['C', 'C/min', 'hr']
# Add the units
X_name_with_unit = []
for i, var in enumerate(X_name_list):
    if not X_units[i]  == '':
        var = var + ' ('+ X_units[i] + ')'

# Set the output names
Y_name_with_unit = 'N_Content %'

# combine X and Y names
var_names = X_name_with_unit + [Y_name_with_unit]

# Set the operating range for each parameter
X_ranges = [[300, 500],
            [3, 8],
            [2, 6]]

# Set the reponse plotting range
Y_plot_range = [0, 2.5]

# Get the information of the design space
n_dim = len(X_name_list) # the dimension of inputs
n_objective = 1 # the dimension of outputs

#%% 3. Define the initial sampling plan
# Select a design of experimental method first
# Assume we run Latin hypder cube to create the initial samplinmg
# Set the initial sampling points, approximately 5*n_dim
n_init_lhs = 16
X_init_lhs = doe.latin_hypercube(n_dim=n_dim, n_points=n_init_lhs, seed=r_seed)

# Convert the sampling plan to a unit scale
X_init_real = utils.inverse_unitscale_X(X_init_lhs, X_ranges)

# Visualize the sampling plan,
# Sampling_3d takes in X in unit scales
                    X_names = X_name_with_unit,
                    X_ranges = X_ranges,
                    design_names = 'LHS')

print('The predicted new data points in the initial set are:')
print(io.np_to_dataframe(X_init_real, X_name_with_unit, n = len(X_init_real)))

# Round up these numbers if needed
# Now it's time to run those experiments and gather the Y (reponse) values!

Template for active learning iterations

#%% 1. Import NEXTorch and other packages
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from nextorch import plotting, bo, doe, io, utils

# set a random seed
r_seed = 25

#%% 2. Define the design space
# the number of dimensions (n_dim) is equal to the number of input parameters
# Set the input names and units
X_name_list = ['T', 'Heating rate', 'Time']
X_units = ['C', 'C/min', 'hr']
# Add the units
X_name_with_unit = []
for i, var in enumerate(X_name_list):
    if not X_units[i]  == '':
        var = var + ' ('+ X_units[i] + ')'

# Set the output names
Y_name_with_unit = 'N_Content %'

# combine X and Y names
var_names = X_name_with_unit + [Y_name_with_unit]

# Set the operating range for each parameter
X_ranges = [[300, 500],
            [3, 8],
            [2, 6]]

# Set the reponse plotting range
Y_plot_range = [0, 2.5]

# Get the information of the design space
n_dim = len(X_name_list) # the dimension of inputs
n_objective = 1 # the dimension of outputs

#%% 3. Define the initial sampling plan

# Import data from an excel file
# replace this with your own excel sheet
data_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "..", "NDC_catalyst"))
file_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'synthesis_data.xlsx')

# if the excel is under the current folder, uncomment the following code
# data_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
# file_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'synthesis_data.xlsx')

# Extract the data of interest and also the full data
data, data_full = io.read_excel(file_path, var_names = var_names)

# take a look at the first 5 data points
print("The input data (first 5): ")

print("The full data in the excel file (first 5): ")

# Split data into X and Y given the Y name
X_real, Y_real, _, _ = io.split_X_y(data, Y_names = Y_name_with_unit)

# Extract the iteration index
trial_no = data_full['Iteration No.']

# Create the initial sampling plan and responses from the data
X_init_real = X_real[trial_no==0]
Y_init_real = Y_real[trial_no==0]

# Convert the sampling plan to a unit scale
X_init = utils.unitscale_X(X_init_real, X_ranges)

# Get the current iteration no
n_trial_max = np.max(trial_no)

#%% 4. Initialize an experimental object
# Set its name, the files will be saved under the folder with the same name
Exp = bo.Experiment('NDC_catalyst')
# Import the initial data
            X_names = X_name_with_unit,
            Y_names = Y_name_with_unit,
            X_ranges = X_ranges,
            unit_flag = False) #input X and Y in real scales
# Set the optimization specifications
# here we set the objective function, minimization by default

# List for X points in each trial
X_per_trial = [X_init]

# Set the sampling points per active learning iteration
n_points_per_trials_target = 3

# Optimization loop
i_trial = 1 #iteration counter
while i_trial <= n_trial_max+1:

    # Use the n points in the excel if given
    if i_trial <= n_trial_max:
        n_points_per_trials = np.sum(trial_no == i_trial)
        n_points_per_trials = n_points_per_trials_target

    # Generate the next three experiment point
    X_new_pred, X_new_real_pred, acq_func = Exp.generate_next_point(n_candidates = n_points_per_trials,
                                                                    acq_func_name = 'qEI')

    # Output the predicted points for the next iteration
    print('Starting active learning iteration {}'.format(i_trial))
    print('The predicted new data points for the next iteration are:')
    print(io.np_to_dataframe(X_new_real_pred, X_name_with_unit, n = len(X_new_real_pred)))
    print('Time to run those experiments and gather the Y (reponse) values\n')

    # Hit the maximum number of iterations, stop
    if i_trial == n_trial_max+1:

    # Note that the actual data points may be different each time running the script
    # due to the stochastic nature of the algorithm and rounding errors
    # Now we just extract the experimental data from the last iteration
    X_new_real = X_real[trial_no == i_trial]
    print('The actual experimental data points in the next iteration are:')
    print(io.np_to_dataframe(X_new_real, X_name_with_unit, n = len(X_new_real)))
    print('Note that the actual experimental points may differ\n')

    # Convert to a unit scale
    X_new = utils.unitscale_X(X_new_real, X_ranges)

    # Run the experiments and get the response data
    Y_new_real = Y_real[trial_no == i_trial]
    print('The actual experimental reponses in the next iteration are:')
    print(io.np_to_dataframe(Y_new_real, Y_name_with_unit, n = len(Y_new_real)))

    # Retrain the model by input the next point into Exp object
    print('Adding these data into training...')
    Exp.run_trial(X_new, X_new_real, Y_new_real)

    i_trial += 1

#%% 5. Plot the reponses versus experiment no.