Example 3 - Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism

In this example, we will show how to build a Gaussian Process (GP) surrogate model for a Langmuir Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism and locate its optimum via Bayesian Optimization. In a typical LH mechanism, two molecules adsorb on neighboring sites and the adsorbed molecules undergo a bimolecular reaction:

\[A + * ⇌ A*\]
\[B + * ⇌ B*\]
\[A* + B* → Product\]

The reation rate can be expressed as,

\[rate = \frac{k_{rds} K_1 K_2 P_A P_B}{(1 + K_1 P_A + K_2 P_B)^2}\]

where \(k_{rds}\), \(K_1\), \(K_2\), \(P_A\), \(P_B\) are the kinetic constants and partial pressure of two reacting species. \(P_A\) and \(P_B\) are the independent variables X1 and X2. The rate is the dependent variable Y. The goal is to determine their value where the rate is maximized.

The details of this example is summarized in the table below:

Key Item




Objective function

LH mechanism

Input (X) dimension


Output (Y) dimension


Analytical form available?


Acqucision function

Expected improvement (EI)

Initial Sampling

Full factorial or latin hypercube

Next, we will go through each step in Bayesian Optimization.

1. Import nextorch and other packages

import numpy as np
from nextorch import plotting, bo, doe

2. Define the objective function and the design space

We use a Python function rate as the objective function objective_func.

The range of the input \(P_A\) and \(P_B\) is between 1 and 10 bar.

#%% Define the objective function
def rate(P):
    """langmuir hinshelwood mechanism

    P : numpy matrix
        Pressure of species A and B
        2D independent variable

    r: numpy array
        Reactio rate, 1D dependent variable
    # kinetic constants
    K1 = 1
    K2 = 10

    krds = 100

    # Expend P to 2d matrix
    if len(P.shape) < 2:
        P = np.array([P])

    r = np.zeros(P.shape[0])

    for i in range(P.shape[0]):
        P_A, P_B = P[i][0], P[i][1]
        r[i] = krds*K1*K2*P_A*P_B/((1+K1*P_A+K2*P_B)**2)

    # Put y in a column
    r = np.expand_dims(r, axis=1)

    return r

# Objective function
objective_func = rate

# Set the ranges
X_ranges = [[1, 10], [1, 10]]

3. Define the initial sampling plan

Here we compare two sampling plans with the same number of sampling points:

  1. Full factorial (FF) design with levels of 5 and 25 points in total.

  2. Latin hypercube (LHC) design with 10 initial sampling points, and 15 more Bayesian Optimization trials

The initial reponse in a real scale Y_init_real is computed from the helper function bo.eval_objective_func(X_init, X_ranges, objective_func), given X_init in unit scales.

#%% Initial Sampling
n_ff_level = 5
n_ff = n_ff_level**2
# Full factorial design
X_init_ff = doe.full_factorial([n_ff_level, n_ff_level])
# Get the initial responses
Y_init_ff = bo.eval_objective_func(X_init_ff, X_ranges, objective_func)

n_init_lhc = 10
# Latin hypercube design with 10 initial points
X_init_lhc = doe.latin_hypercube(n_dim = 2, n_points = n_init_lhc, seed= 1)
# Get the initial responses
Y_init_lhc = bo.eval_objective_func(X_init_lhc, X_ranges, objective_func)

# Compare the two sampling plans
plotting.sampling_2d([X_init_ff, X_init_lhc],
                     X_ranges = X_ranges,
                     design_names = ['FF', 'LHC'])


4. Initialize an Experiment object

Next, we initialize two Experiment objects for FF and LHC, respectively. We also set the objective function and the goal as maximization.

We will train two GP models. Some progress status will be printed out.

#%% Initialize an Experiment object
# Full factorial design
# Set its name, the files will be saved under the folder with the same name
Exp_ff = bo.Experiment('LH_mechanism_LHC')
# Import the initial data
Exp_ff.input_data(X_init_ff, Y_init_ff, X_ranges = X_ranges, unit_flag = True)
# Set the optimization specifications
# here we set the objective function, minimization by default
Exp_ff.set_optim_specs(objective_func = objective_func,
                        maximize =  True)

# Latin hypercube design
# Set its name, the files will be saved under the folder with the same name
Exp_lhc = bo.Experiment('LH_mechanism_FF')
# Import the initial data
Exp_lhc.input_data(X_init_lhc, Y_init_lhc, X_ranges = X_ranges, unit_flag = True)
# Set the optimization specifications
# here we set the objective function, minimization by default
Exp_lhc.set_optim_specs(objective_func = objective_func,
                        maximize =  True)
Iter 10/100: 1.6667345762252808
Iter 20/100: 1.529737949371338
Iter 30/100: 1.2643213272094727
Iter 40/100: 0.4780229330062866
Iter 10/100: 2.183394193649292
Iter 20/100: 2.052647113800049
Iter 30/100: 1.916103720664978

5. Run trials

We perform 15 more Bayesian Optimization trials for the LHC design using the default acquisition function (Expected Improvement (EI)).

#%% Optimization loop
# Set the number of iterations
n_trials_lhc = n_ff - n_init_lhc
for i in range(n_trials_lhc):
    # Generate the next experiment point
    X_new, X_new_real, acq_func = Exp_lhc.generate_next_point()
    # Get the reponse at this point
    Y_new_real = objective_func(X_new_real)
    # or
    # Y_new_real = bo.eval_objective_func(X_new, X_ranges, objective_func)

    # Retrain the model by input the next point into Exp object
    Exp_lhc.run_trial(X_new, X_new_real, Y_new_real)

Iter 10/100: 1.6286827325820923
Iter 20/100: 1.5250376462936401
Iter 30/100: 1.4643093347549438
Iter 40/100: 1.4204812049865723
Iter 50/100: 1.3902441263198853
Iter 60/100: 1.3676584959030151
Iter 70/100: 1.350023627281189
Iter 80/100: 1.335752010345459
Iter 90/100: 1.3238478899002075
Iter 100/100: 1.3136957883834839
Iter 10/100: 0.8339820504188538
Iter 20/100: 0.8265061974525452
Iter 30/100: 0.8208397626876831
Iter 40/100: 0.8163239359855652
Iter 50/100: 0.8126077651977539
Iter 60/100: 0.8095642924308777
Iter 70/100: 0.8069781064987183
Iter 80/100: 0.8048022389411926
Iter 90/100: 0.8029232025146484
Iter 100/100: 0.8013507127761841

6. Visualize the final model reponses

We would like to see how sampling points scattered in the 2D space.

#%% plots
# Check the sampling points
# Final lhc Sampling
print('LHC sampling points')
# Compare to full factorial
print('Comparing two plans:')
plotting.sampling_2d([Exp_ff.X, Exp_lhc.X],
                     X_ranges = X_ranges,
                     design_names = ['FF', 'LHC'])
LHC sampling points
Comparing two plans:

We can also visualize model predicted rates and error in heatmaps. The red colors indicates higher values and the blue colors indicates lower values.

# Reponse heatmaps
# Objective function heatmap
print('Objective function heatmap: ')
plotting.objective_heatmap(objective_func, X_ranges, Y_real_range = [0, 25])
# full factorial heatmap
print('Full factorial model heatmap: ')
plotting.response_heatmap_exp(Exp_ff, Y_real_range = [0, 25])
# LHC heatmap
print('LHC model heatmap: ')
plotting.response_heatmap_exp(Exp_lhc, Y_real_range = [0, 25])

# full fatorial error heatmap
print('Full factorial model error heatmap: ')
plotting.response_heatmap_err_exp(Exp_ff, Y_real_range = [0, 5])
# LHC error heatmap
print('LHC model error heatmap: ')
plotting.response_heatmap_err_exp(Exp_lhc, Y_real_range = [0, 5])
Objective function heatmap:
Full factorial model heatmap:
LHC model heatmap:
Full factorial model error heatmap:
LHC model error heatmap:

The rates can also be plotted as response surfaces in 3D.

# Suface plots
# Objective function surface plot
print('Objective function surface: ')
plotting.objective_surface(objective_func, X_ranges, Y_real_range = [0, 25])
# full fatorial surface plot
print('Full fatorial model surface: ')
plotting.response_surface_exp(Exp_ff, Y_real_range = [0, 25])
# LHC surface plot
print('LHC model surface: ')
plotting.response_surface_exp(Exp_lhc, Y_real_range = [0, 25])
Objective function surface:
Full fatorial model surface:
LHC model surface:

7. Export the optimum

Compare two plans in terms optimum discovered in each trial.

plotting.opt_per_trial([Exp_ff.Y_real, Exp_lhc.Y_real],
                       design_names = ['Full Fatorial', 'LHC'])

Obtain the optimum from each method.

# lhc optimum
y_opt_lhc, X_opt_lhc, index_opt_lhc = Exp_lhc.get_optim()
print('From LHC + Bayesian Optimization, ')
print('The best reponse is rate = {} at P = {}'.format(y_opt_lhc, X_opt_lhc))

# FF optimum
y_opt_ff, X_opt_ff, index_opt_ff = Exp_ff.get_optim()
print('From full factorial design, ')
print('The best reponse is rate = {} at P = {}'.format(y_opt_ff, X_opt_ff))
From LHC + Bayesian Optimization,
The best reponse is rate = 22.675736961451246 at P = [10.  1.]
From full factorial design,
The best reponse is rate = 22.675737380981445 at P = [10.  1.]

From above plots, we see both LHC + Bayesian Optimization and full factorial design locate the same optimum point in this 2D example.

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